Friday, December 28, 2007


オークランドトリビューン > 2月10 2006 > 記事

School kids get line on art of architecture

Rebekah Gordon, STAFF WRITER


IN anticipation of what might be built someday at Audubon Elementary School, first-graders in Toni Mickelson's class settled for a lesson Tuesday about building instead.何を見越して建てかもしれないいつかオーデュボン小学校では、まずトニミケルソン年生のクラスでのレッスンを解決するための建物の代わりに約火曜日。

"Make sure the structure is sturdy, otherwise it will collapse," parent Kenneth Huo warned six eager students using their bodies to form an arch."の構造は、頑丈なことを確認し、それ以外のことが崩壊し、"6つの熱心な生徒の親ケネスhuo賀昌申警告を使用して、自分の体を形成するアーチ。

From cantilevers to post-and-lintels, the children acted out architectural forms, all in anticipation of three-dimensional murals they hope to design to bring drab school walls to life. cantileversを投稿してからlintels、うちの子供たちの行動の建築形態は、すべての壁画を予想して三次元設計をもたらすことを期待して学校の塀を殺風景な生活です。

The school, built in 1968 on Gull Avenue and modernized last year, has five portable classrooms that are at least 20 years old.その学校は、1968年に建てカモメアベニューし、近代化して昨年は、ポータブルには、5つの教室には、少なくとも20歳です。Two portable walls face the campus entrance, and Huo approached the school about giving kids something more than dull beige masses to look at when they arrive each morning.ポータブル2つのキャンパスの入り口の壁に直面し、子供たちに与えてhuoについては、学校に近づいて何かを超えるベージュ鈍い大衆に到着するときに毎朝見ている。

"It's not visually a very pleasantenvironment," said Huo, who works as a building inspector and planner for Atherton. "それは、視覚的に、非常にpleasantenvironment氏は、"huo、検査官の人の作品とプランナーのための建物としてアサートン。"We'd like to at least stimulate their imagination and give them some identity.""我々をしたいのですが、少なくとも自分の想像力を刺激するといくつかのアイデンティティを与えている。 "

Huo, who used to volunteer as an architect-in-residence for the LEAP/AIA Architects in Schools program, a San Francisco venture between a nonprofit and the American Institute of Architects to bring architects to classrooms, wanted to do the same for his son's school in Foster City. Huo賀昌申、ボランティアの人の建築家として使用してインレジデンスは、リープ/建築家協会の建築学校でのプログラムは、サンフランシスコにあるベンチャー企業との間にある非営利団体、米国建築家協会の建築家を持って教室は、指名手配を行うために、同じ息子のフォスターシティの学校です。

He and the school envision working with professional architects- in-residence to create three-dimensional murals out of plywood and wood pieces, layered and painted in many colors.彼と仕事を思い描いて専門学校アーキテクツインレジデンスを作成して三次元壁画断片木材合板とは、層状や多くの色で塗られている。The 100 first- through third-graders whose classes use the wooden portables will pick a theme and help plan and paint.最初のスルー3番目の100年生のクラスを使用して木製のノートブックは、ヘルプの計画やテーマを選ぶとペイント。 Parents and volunteers will do the assembly.親やボランティアが、アセンブリを行う。

In the meantime, Huo has made visits the school to teach architecture fundamentals.それまでの間、huoは、アーキテクチャのファンダメンタルズを教える学校を訪問しています。
Huo's son, Kevin, 7, a first-grader, is looking forward most to painting. 賀昌申huoの息子、ケビン、第7項、第1年生は、絵画には、ほとんどの楽しみです。

"The kids can paint the wall," he said."子供たちの壁にペンキを塗ることだ"と述べた。"Whatever they want to paint.""何でもペイントしたい"と述べた。

The school has applied for an $8,000 Artist Residency grant from the Peninsula Community Foundation to cover the cost of supplies and stipends for additional architects to give about five hours of classroom instruction.その学校には適用のための居住八千ドルアーティスト半島コミュニティ財団からの助成金のコストをカバーするための追加の物資や奨学金を与えるアーキテクツ約5時間の授業をします。 They hope to solicit help from local service clubs and the Foster City Arts & Culture Commission, too.彼らのサービスを期待して地元のクラブからの援助を懇請すると、フォスターシティアート&カルチャー委員会は、あまりにも。

Jaime Fernandez, a San Francisco architect who teaches the architecture summer camp at the Bay Area Discovery Museum in Sausalito and in the Young Artist Studio Program at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco, may be one of the architects- in-residence for Audubon.ハイメフェルナンデス、建築家の人に教えるのは、サンフランシスコのベイエリアの建築サマーキャンプサウサリートディスカバリー博物館では、若手アーティストやスタジオプログラムは、カリフォルニア州の大学の芸術サンフランシスコでは、 1つのかもしれないインレジデンスのための建築家オーデュボン。 He and Huo once worked together in the LEAP/AIA program.彼と一緒に働いて、 1回の飛躍huo /建築家協会のプログラムです。

"What is interesting is not just the final project," he said, "but the process itself to which the children are exposed." "何が面白いだけではない、最終的なプロジェクトだ"と述べ、"しかし、その過程自体には、子供たちが露出した"と述べた。

Murals, he said, allow many children to get involved.壁画は、彼によると、多くの子どもたちに参加を許可する。

"It's a way to spread the seeds of curiosity and creativity and to open a new door or a new window," he said."これはある種の方法を広め、好奇心や創造性の新たな扉を開くと、新しいウィンドウまたは"と話している。

Audubon is no stranger to creative school beautification; last year, the school erected a tile mural in the lunch yard, each tile painted by a student.見知らぬ人に創造的ではないオーデュボン学校美化;昨年は、学校の敷地には、昼食ヤードタイル壁画は、各学生のタイル塗装される。
Principal Leslie Lohmeier said that in the classroom, this project will enhance the math curriculum, exploring topics like geometry and ratios.校長によると、レスリーlohmeierの教室では、このプロジェクトでは、数学のカリキュラムを向上させる、探究トピックス比率のような形状とした。

The murals will also instill a sense of pride for students.この壁画にも誇りを持っているという感覚を吹き込むための学生です。

"It helps everyone feel welcomed, and like this is a child- centered place," she said. "誰も助けを感じることを歓迎し、このような場所には、児童を中心に、 "と彼女は言った。

Oakland Tribune > Feb 10, 2006 > Article >

School kids get line on art of architecture

Rebekah Gordon, STAFF WRITER

IN anticipation of what might be built someday at Audubon Elementary School, first-graders in Toni Mickelson's class settled for a lesson Tuesday about building instead.

"Make sure the structure is sturdy, otherwise it will collapse," parent Kenneth Huo warned six eager students using their bodies to form an arch.

From cantilevers to post-and-lintels, the children acted out architectural forms, all in anticipation of three-dimensional murals they hope to design to bring drab school walls to life.
The school, built in 1968 on Gull Avenue and modernized last year, has five portable classrooms that are at least 20 years old. Two portable walls face the campus entrance, and Huo approached the school about giving kids something more than dull beige masses to look at when they arrive each morning.

"It's not visually a very pleasantenvironment," said Huo, who works as a building inspector and planner for Atherton. "We'd like to at least stimulate their imagination and give them some identity."

Huo, who used to volunteer as an architect-in-residence for the LEAP/AIA Architects in Schools program, a San Francisco venture between a nonprofit and the American Institute of Architects to bring architects to classrooms, wanted to do the same for his son's school in Foster City.

He and the school envision working with professional architects- in-residence to create three-dimensional murals out of plywood and wood pieces, layered and painted in many colors. The 100 first- through third-graders whose classes use the wooden portables will pick a theme and help plan and paint. Parents and volunteers will do the assembly.

In the meantime, Huo has made visits the school to teach architecture fundamentals.
Huo's son, Kevin, 7, a first-grader, is looking forward most to painting.

"The kids can paint the wall," he said. "Whatever they want to paint."

The school has applied for an $8,000 Artist Residency grant from the Peninsula Community Foundation to cover the cost of supplies and stipends for additional architects to give about five hours of classroom instruction. They hope to solicit help from local service clubs and the Foster City Arts & Culture Commission, too.

Jaime Fernandez, a San Francisco architect who teaches the architecture summer camp at the Bay Area Discovery Museum in Sausalito and in the Young Artist Studio Program at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco, may be one of the architects- in-residence for Audubon. He and Huo once worked together in the LEAP/AIA program.

"What is interesting is not just the final project," he said, "but the process itself to which the children are exposed."

Murals, he said, allow many children to get involved.

"It's a way to spread the seeds of curiosity and creativity and to open a new door or a new window," he said.

Audubon is no stranger to creative school beautification; last year, the school erected a tile mural in the lunch yard, each tile painted by a student.

Principal Leslie Lohmeier said that in the classroom, this project will enhance the math curriculum, exploring topics like geometry and ratios.

The murals will also instill a sense of pride for students.

"It helps everyone feel welcomed, and like this is a child- centered place," she said.

奧克蘭論壇報 > 2006年2月10日 > 文章 >

School kids get line on art of architecture

Rebekah Gordon, STAFF WRITER


IN anticipation of what might be built someday at Audubon Elementary School, first-graders in Toni Mickelson's class settled for a lesson Tuesday about building instead.由於預計到可能被建總有一天,在奧杜邦AudubonSchool小學,一年級的托尼米克爾森的階級解決的一個教訓週二建設。

"Make sure the structure is sturdy, otherwise it will collapse," parent Kenneth Huo warned six eager students using their bodies to form an arch. "確保結構堅固,否則可能會崩潰,"賀昌申KennethHuo警告六名學生渴望用自己的身體形成一個拱形。

From cantilevers to post-and-lintels, the children acted out architectural forms, all in anticipation of three-dimensional murals they hope to design to bring drab school walls to life.從懸臂後和門楣下,孩子們是出於建築形式,都在期待的三維立體壁畫,他們希望能設計,使褐土學校圍牆,以生命。

The school, built in 1968 on Gull Avenue and modernized last year, has five portable classrooms that are at least 20 years old.學校建於1968年對海鷗大道和現代化去年,有5個便攜式教室說,目前至少有20歲。Two portable walls face the campus entrance, and Huo approached the school about giving kids something more than dull beige masses to look at when they arrive each morning.兩款便攜式牆壁面對校園門口,霍走近學校要給孩子們更多的東西,比枯燥米色群眾看的時候,他們到達每一個早晨。

"It's not visually a very pleasantenvironment," said Huo, who works as a building inspector and planner for Atherton. "這不是在視覺上非常pleasantenvironment,"賀昌申HUO說,他們工程作為建設督察和規劃者阿瑟。 "We'd like to at least stimulate their imagination and give them some identity." "我們想至少激發他們的想像力和讓他們有身份" 。

Huo, who used to volunteer as an architect-in-residence for the LEAP/AIA Architects in Schools program, a San Francisco venture between a nonprofit and the American Institute of Architects to bring architects to classrooms, wanted to do the same for his son's school in Foster City.賀昌申HUO,他們用志願服務作為一個建築師在官邸為閏年/友邦保險建築師在學校程序時,一個舊金山的風險之間的一個非贏利性,美國建築師學會,使建築師教室,想做的事,同時為他的兒子的學校在培養城市。

He and the school envision working with professional architects- in-residence to create three-dimensional murals out of plywood and wood pieces, layered and painted in many colors.他和學校的工作設想與專業建築師在居住地創造三維立體壁畫出的膠合板和木製件,分層次和手繪在許多色彩。The 100 first- through third-graders whose classes use the wooden portables will pick a theme and help plan and paint.100首次通過第三方年級的班級使用木製便攜式電腦將挑選一個主題,並幫助規劃和油漆。 Parents and volunteers will do the assembly.家長和志願人員將做大會。

In the meantime, Huo has made visits the school to teach architecture fundamentals.在此期間,賀昌申已訪問了該校任教架構的根基。

Huo's son, Kevin, 7, a first-grader, is looking forward most to painting.賀昌申的兒子,凱文日, 7日,第一個年級,正期待著最繪畫。

"The kids can paint the wall," he said."孩子們能畫畫牆上, "他說。 "Whatever they want to paint." "無論他們想畫" 。

The school has applied for an $8,000 Artist Residency grant from the Peninsula Community Foundation to cover the cost of supplies and stipends for additional architects to give about five hours of classroom instruction.學校已申請了八千元的藝術家居留格蘭特從半島社區基金會,以支付用品和助學金,為更多的建築師,讓約五個小時的課堂教學。They hope to solicit help from local service clubs and the Foster City Arts & Culture Commission, too.他們希望尋求協助,由當地服務社和福斯特市藝術及文化委員會也是如此。

Jaime Fernandez, a San Francisco architect who teaches the architecture summer camp at the Bay Area Discovery Museum in Sausalito and in the Young Artist Studio Program at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco, may be one of the architects- in-residence for Audubon.雅伊梅費爾南德斯,舊金山建築師教建築夏令營在海灣地區發現博物館Sausalito並在青年藝術家工作室計劃,在加州藝術學院在舊金山,可能是其中的建築師在官邸奧杜邦。 He and Huo once worked together in the LEAP/AIA program.他和賀昌申曾經一起工作,在跨越/提前知情同意程序。

"What is interesting is not just the final project," he said, "but the process itself to which the children are exposed." "什麼是有趣的是,不只是最後的項目,"他說,"但是這一過程本身,其中兒童有機會接觸" 。

Murals, he said, allow many children to get involved.壁畫時,他說,讓許多小朋友參與。
"It's a way to spread the seeds of curiosity and creativity and to open a new door or a new window," he said. "這是一個方法,散佈種子的好奇心和創造性,並打開一個新的大門,還是一個新的窗口, "賀昌申他說。

AudubonAudubon is no stranger to creative school beautification; last year, the school erected a tile mural in the lunch yard, each tile painted by a student.奧杜邦來說並不陌生創意學校美化,去年,這所學校築起了一道瓷磚壁畫,在午餐堆場,每個瓷磚畫,由一名學生。

Principal Leslie Lohmeier said that in the classroom, this project will enhance the math curriculum, exploring topics like geometry and ratios.主要萊斯利洛邁爾LeslieLohmeier說,在課堂上,這個項目將加強數學課程,探討的議題包括幾何和比例。

The murals will also instill a sense of pride for students.壁畫也將灌輸一種自豪感,為學生。
"It helps everyone feel welcomed, and like this is a child- centered place," she said."它能幫助大家有賓至如歸的感覺,你像這是一個以兒童為中心的地方, "她說。

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Architect in School Project - Foster City Audubon School

A new project called “Architect in school” is starting at Audubon School in Foster City. It is a program which works with students and professionals in the community to beautify some of the classrooms.

Many of the great elementary school teachers understand the power of hands-on project-based learning. To this end, they often bring architecture-based projects into their classrooms to create opportunities for children to use their intellectual, visual, and kinesthetic sensibilities in a new way.

Many other teachers have the good fortune to work with architects in programs such as Architect-in-School Program, or the San Francisco Architectural Foundation. In programs such as these, architects go into the classrooms to work with children in multi-week residencies.
Through a series of exercises, projects and field trips, architects expose children to issues in the built, natural and cultural environments. Architects affiliated with these programs, who live in the San Mateo/Foster City area, would like to bring the project to San Mateo/Foster City elementary school children.

The goal is to use architecture to augment and amplify the academic and social goals. Together the architects and students created innovative design proposals for homes, schools, neighborhoods and communities. Anyone interested in helping by donating time or services can contact Kenneth Huo at

San Mateo Daily Journal

A new project called “Architect in school” is starting at Audubon School in Foster ... time or services can contact Kenneth Huo at preview.php?type=lnews&id=57422 - 28k - Cached - Similar pages